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Affordable HDMI/analog HD/SD video and audio I/O

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Support for popular 3D workflows

Matrox MXO2 I/O devices or the Mojito MAX card can be used in a variety of scenarios to assist cost-conscious content creators in 3D stereo production and post.

One convenient feature they provide is automatic 3D signaling on the HDMI output. You can select to embed the HDMI 1.4a 3D flag, signaling to the connected 3D HDMI TV/monitor that the incoming video signal is either a "side-by-side" or "over/under" (top/bottom) signal. Your HDMI TV will automatically be switched into the chosen mode and you will no longer need to reach for the 3D TV's remote.

Live 3D monitoring on set

Directors of photography and stereo videographers can use the Matrox MC-100 mini converter to align their stereo rig output and make simple realtime adjustments as needed. For advanced analysis using software-based tools such as Dashwood's Stereo3D CAT, a combination of the Matrox MC-100 mini converter and a Matrox MXO2 device is ideal.

Quick creation of 3D dailies

Matrox MXO2 Mini MAX, MXO2 LE MAX, MXO2 MAX, MXO2 Rack MAX, or Mojito MAX combined with a Matrox MC-100 mini converter provides a convenient way for you to create easy-to-manage H.264 dailies by either capturing side-by-side video directly to H.264 or by capturing to an edit-friendly codec format and quickly exporting the edit to an H.264 file using the H.264 acceleration capability built into your MXO2 MAX device.

On the Mac, the Matrox Vetura Capture application works with your CPU to let you quickly and easily capture to many of the QuickTime codecs that are installed on your system. You then use Apple Compressor to export to an H.264 file.

On the PC, Matrox A/V Tools works with your CPU to let you quickly and easily capture to edit-friendly AVI files. You then use Adobe Media Encoder to export to an H.264 file. Alternatively, you can use Matrox MAX H.264 Capture to capture directly to H.264 files.

Monitoring/edycja projektów 3D 

Za pomocą urządzeń  Matrox MXO2 i karty  Mojito MAX można monitorować  i edytować projekty  w standardzie 3D 
przy użyciu popularnych pluginów takich jak  Dashwood Stereo 3D i CineForm Neo 3D z  twoim oprogramowaniem  
edycyjnym. Przy użyciu wyjścia HDMI i wyjść broadcast produkty matroxa pozwalają zobaczyć  stereoskopowe wersje
projektów 3 d side-by-side. W panelu kontrolnym Matroxa przestawiamy HDMI na flage 1.4a zgodną ze standardem 3D.

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